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Maybe we all Change; Somehow

from a morning person who wakes up early even before 06:00 a.m and process on with the daily schedule to someone who is still sleepy and reluctant to get out of bed at 12:00 noon, 


from someone who follows their mother to the balcony, to the washroom, to the kitchen and everywhere just to get an extra piece of favorite chocolate she hid in her tiny pockets to the one who becomes considerate enough and compromise the things they liked so to not hurt her feelings,


from someone who ask their father to buy them a princess dress that hung enchantingly in the grocery shop holding his sleeves until he finally gives in to someone who desires to present him with a warm fashionable suit as a surprise,


from someone who naggs their cousins to tell random stuffs they have heard or patiently listen about their romantic relationship to someone who somehow dislikes love stories, 

from someone who believed in unicorns and loved hanging out with friends to someone who choses to sleep all day and doesn't believe in fairytales, 


from someone who brightly smiles in the mirror in the morning with a peace of their minds to someone who cries off to bed at night to seize the pain they feel in their hearts, 

from someone who speaks out their minds and talks non stop like a parrot to someone who keeps err'thing to themselves - a secret and tries to find ways to be busy to be okay.

from someone who dreams to build a castle in the clouds to someone who wishes quit but hangs on for the sake of their families, and so much more. 


somewhere, somehow and at some point of time in life, we all change. We become someone new, someone different and someone wise. We fall,  we rise, we fail, we learn, we love, we cry or in a nutshell, we live in various phases but above all, we grow up! 

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